Monday, March 30, 2009

The Juggling Act

Mothering is a juggling act. Everything must be in perfect harmony or it all falls apart. Concentrate too much on one hand and the other hand fails, leaving you with all the sections of your life crashing to the floor. The problem is that there is no magic formula explaining the way to achieve this perfect balance. Instead it is a matter of trial and error. Concentrate too much on the house work and you drop the quality play time with children, spend too much energy focusing on children and you lose the grip on the relationship with your soul mate.

Sounds impossible right? Well ask any juggler and they will tell you that the key to fluid juggling is a solid foundation. The only way to achieve perfect harmony is to look after yourself first. When you are relaxed and refreshed everything else will fall into place. It dosnt matter if you only throw each ball a foot in the air, or that you dont perform any fancy tricks - the simplest things are often the most beautiful.

I'll let you know when I have completed work on my foundation...

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